T-Wave Alternans in Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatrics

Mark E. Alexander MD, Frank Cecchin MD, Kathie P. Huang BS, Laura M. Bevilacqua MD, John K. Triedman MD, Edward P. Walsh MD, Charles I. Berul MD, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA.

Background: Microvolt t-wave alternans (TWA) in early exercise is a non-invasive marker of life threatening ventricular arrhythmia in some adult cardiac populations. The incidence and potential significance sustained TWA in pediatric and congenital heart disease (CHD) populations has not been well defined. Methods: TWA treadmill exercise studies in pediatric pts with CHD, myopathy, potential myocardial ischemia, syncope or history of cardiac arrest were analyzed. Tests were categorized as abnormal for sustained TWA with onset heart rate < 130 bpm and physiologic TWA for onset HR>130. Pt characteristics were analyzed as possible correlates of TWA. Results: Over 2 years 319 consecutive TWA exercise studies were performed in 303 pts (60% male, median 14 yrs, 6-41) for indications of syncope, cardiac arrest, possible ventricular arrhythmia or evaluation of functional myocardial perfusion. Underlying conditions included apparently normal hearts (45%), CHD (16%), cardiomyopathy (11%), coronary anomalies (11%) and electrical myopathy (9%) and transplant(8%). Abnormal TWA was seen in 24 (7%, onset HR 106±18) and included 19 at high clinical risk for serious events including 3 with cardiac arrest (table). Abnormal TWA was associated with identified functional myocardial abnormalities, and less likely in pts with no identified arrhythmia and benign syncope. The predictive strength increased when corrected for other clinical risk factors. Conclusions: TWA with onset HR< 130 is associated with pediatric and CHD diagnoses at high risk of serious events and may contribute, with other diagnostic tools, to management choices. The absence of TWA does not exclude the potential for serious sustained ventricular arrhythmias.




High Risk 

Low Risk 






Odds ratio 12.7, 4.5-35, p<.001, abnormal TWA predicting high risk pt, sensitivity 23%, specificity 98%, PPV 79%, NPV 77%